Tips to Promote Your Brand with Event Swag

In the dynamic world of marketing, creating lasting impressions and forging meaningful connections with your audience is an art that demands strategy, creativity, and insight. One powerful tool that has stood the test of time in this pursuit is event swag. Beyond just branded giveaways, event swag possesses the potential to create a unique experience, establish brand resonance, and fuel tangible business growth. But how can you wield this tool effectively? How can you ensure that your swag not only garners attention but also translates into real-world results? Follow these 5 tips to successfully promote your brand with event swag.

1. Assess the Event

First, you want to consider the event type. After all, you wouldn’t promote your brand at a trade show in the same way you would at a more intimate event. It’s crucial to tailor the approach to the specific event and audience. By assessing the event carefully, you can formulate a successful strategy. This includes considering:

  • Location: Where is the event? How will you get everything there? Don’t forget to plan the logistics of transportation and shipping.
  • Audience: Who is the audience? Consider the roles of the attendees. Farmer’s market attendees are very different from trade show attendees. 
  • Size: How big is the event? How many people will be there? You need to know this to estimate quantities. 
  • Theme: Is there a theme? If so, tie your giveaways (and display) into the theme to better connect with the attendees.
  • Time: What time of year is the event? This will inform the types of items you take with you. Will it be bottled water or holiday-themed gifts?

2. Set Tangible Goals

Another critical step in the process is setting goals that are both realistic and tangible. These goals will help guide your swag strategy for the event. Understanding your objectives will give you a clear idea of the type of items you’ll need to best accomplish them. Your goals may include:

  • Lead Generation: Do you want to gather a specific number of new leads? Pull people in with the right swag to get their info and build an email list for follow-up marketing.
  • User Engagement: Do you want to introduce your brand or a specific product to new users? Engage them in a demo or encourage them to register for product testing with captivating swag.
  • Networking: Maybe you want to mingle and network with as many people as possible. Break the ice with some useful branded swag.
  • Providing Solutions: Perhaps you want to position your brand as the solution to a problem the attendees have. Offer items that align with their challenges and showcase your commitment to their needs.

3. Evaluate Your Swag Ideas

With your goals defined, you now know what your swag has to do at the event. But before you place that order, evaluate your ideas to ensure they’ll meet your targets. In addition to preparing for the size of the event, prepare for your specific role at the event. What you’re doing at this event correlates with the items you bring and the quantity. Plan accordingly whether you’re a key sponsor or a smaller attendee. 

Here are some key questions to ask when evaluating your options:

  • Does the product offer enough value to prompt the desired action from recipients? If you want attendees to sit through an hour-long demo, a pen won’t do. 
  • Does the size of the item align with the structure of the event? Handing out branded tumblers is wonderful, but if attendees don’t have a way to carry them, it’s not ideal. 
  • Does it blend utility with brand appeal? A well-chosen swag item resonates with your audience and adds value to their experience. 

4. Measure the Impact

After each event, it’s important to measure the impact your giveaways had on recipients. This will guide and improve future swag marketing efforts. Measure how well your branded items performed to quantify your success by:

  • Checking the data. Investigate key metrics, including social media mentions, website traffic surge, and post-event inquiries. Are they up after the event?
  • Asking around. During and after the event, listen to what people are saying. Did your stuff create some buzz? 
  • Tracking engagement. Look for increased inquiries, engagement, and connections that could be a testament to the effectiveness of your swag.

5. Follow Up with Connections

Finally, don’t forget to follow up with new connections. When you invest in swag to promote your brand, you must budget time to follow up with your new connections. However you shared contact information at the event, check in with the lead and stay connected. Whether that’s scheduling product demos, booking consultations, or sending an email blast, this step is how you turn your merch into revenue-generating relationships.

Event swag can act as the icebreaker again. If the contact doesn’t remember you, mention the free merch you gave them. If they need further incentive to take the next step, don’t hesitate to lean on your swag for help again.  

Swag for Your Next Event

Event swag isn’t just about free goodies; it’s about strategically crafting an experience that aligns with your brand’s mission and objectives. When your swag seamlessly integrates with your goals, you create a memorable impact that extends beyond the event, cultivating brand advocates and tangible business growth.

So, before you pack your event swag bags, take a moment to set your sights on specific business goals. Your swag choices will then become more than items; they’ll be tools that help you transform your brand’s vision into reality.

For all your promo products and event swag, trust Olivan.

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